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Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town: one of the most fascinating cultural town in China
CCNPIC  By Linda Lee


021-5244 贵阳青岩古镇小巷

ID:021-5244 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province  Picture


021-5206 贵阳青岩古镇

ID:021-5206 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province  Picture


021-5182 贵阳青岩古镇

ID:021-5182 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province  Picture


021-5163 贵阳青岩古镇老街

ID:021-5163 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province  Picture


021-5160 贵阳青岩古镇老街

ID:021-5160 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province  Picture


021-5210 贵阳青岩古镇赵公专祠

ID:021-5210 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province   Picture


021-5220 贵阳青岩古镇“升平人瑞”坊

ID:021-5220 Guiyang Qingyan Ancient Town, Guizhou Province  Picture

  (CCNPIC Linda Lee)

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